You know who your customers are.

You’ve spent years building your brand and developing rich relationships with your customers. You’ve made huge investments in terms of both time and money in catering your products and services to the needs of your customers. That’s why your organisation is so successful. You know your customers.

So why would you send one generic campaign message to everybody?

Target the right customers

With the right campaign, you can segment and target those customers and prospects who are the exact right fit for your campaign and message. Relevant, timely and engaging email campaigns are still the best form of marketing in terms of customer engagement.

Cater your message to its audience

Make your message relevant: ensure the customers’ geographic location, engagement preferences, purchasing behaviour and status in your pipeline are all carefully taken into account when you speak to them. Ever received sales emails from international retail chains advertising their latest summer fashions, during your winter? Avoid costly mistakes and make the most of your marketing budget.

Protect your brand

Every interaction your customer has with your organisation affects your brand. Make sure your campaign design, implementation and execution reflect your brand and its values.

I can help you set up a professional email marketing platform for your organisation.

Whether you have a full-blown customer relationship management (CRM) platform or a simple-yet-ageing Excel spreadsheet of customer details, I can help you design and integrate your systems to ensure that your data moves as seamlessly as possible between each. For example, making sure the customer data you have in Salesforce or Xero makes it across to Mailchimp or Campaign Monitor, and vice versa. Once this is achieved, you can really start to harness your customer data to segment and target your campaigns.
